Cooking Healthy European Paths
The CHEEP (Cooking Healthy European Paths) project was the result of a multidisciplinary and synergetic, intercultural and European effort that integrated research, training and innovation with the aim of informing, supporting and guiding families, students and operators towards achieving a correct nutritional style combined with a healthy diet and cuisine. The CHEEP project was promoted by the Italian Research Council (CNR) in collaboration with IPSSEOA “Pietro Piazza” of Palermo, the biggest catering vocational school in Southern Italy, La Merced Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional (Spain), Zespol Szkol Gastronomiczno-Hotelarskich (Poland), Lycée hôtelier Yvon Bourges de Dinard (France) and University of Palermo (Italy).
The project results are summarized in the creation of a specific new path of education and qualification within catering vocational schools curricolo , granting and releasing a final specializing certification for the professional recognition of acquired competences.The target groups are both teachers and students. Teachers were trained during the first part of the project through webinars and meetings organized and arranged by the NRC. Afterwards, teachers trained students, providing them with professional skills through real learning practices and ICT-based methodologies, increasing motivation and satisfaction. The creation of a free, open, multimedia and multilingual augmented reality digital book containing clear, simple and appealing tips and recipes with explanatory videos on how to make them correctly was the final product of the project.