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O1 - Evaluation of Knowledge, attitude and perception in the field of healthy cooking

The Evaluation of Knowledge, attitude, and perception in the field of healthy cooking was organized as follows:

  • The efficacy of the pilot course was evaluated, and it was discussed and presented in a report that was produced by the end of the project.
  • Before the first short-term mobility and after the last, a questionnaire about knowledge, attitudes, and perception on healthy cooking was delivered to two groups of students:
    • (a) students involved in the project, and
    • (b) an equivalent group not involved.

Consequently, P3 used the results to evaluate the efficacy of the pilot course.

  • The students involved in the short-term mobility were provided with feedback about their progress using questionnaire results. 

This activity allowed verifying the effect on knowledge, attitude, and perception produced, involving the participants in their learning path and progress monitoring.

The target groups of this output were: (a) the students that received feedback on their progress and (b) the participating organizations that had a methodologically validated report about the effects of the pilot course.